Zero(2017),Aluminiumcasting,172 × 56 × 102 cm, 168 × 56 × 84 cm, 163 × 77 × 130 cm,The Parkview Museum Collection

The works of Italian artist, Paolo Grassino explore and offer thoughts on humanity and the modern society which is seen to be suspended on the edge between natural and artificial. The outcomes of his research and artworks express the fullest sense of manual skills, seen in Grassino’s use of synthetic rubber and polystyrene, as well as more traditional materials like wax, bronze, aluminium and concrete. 

This work is part of his most representative series, Zero. ‘Zero’ is taken to be the first number, an origin and symbol of a primal state. It can also be seen as akin to Eastern philosophy’s understanding, where ‘zero’ signifies ‘emptiness’ and seen as opposite to ‘fullness’. In such a state, the human is stripped of identity markers. Their faces are overgrown with tree branches, as if attempting to negotiate terrains between humanity and nature. 

In Grassino’s words, “We must begin practicing for a return to nature, because man’s interiority is nature. People in today’s society seem to have forgotten this, leading to the insanity of our times.”